General terms

  1. The bookstore located at website enables you to purchase online.
  2. The bookstore is run by the University of Gdansk Publishing House, which is located at the Faculty of Economics of Gdansk University in Sopot:

    Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
    (The University of Gdansk Publishing House)
    Street: ul. Armii Krajowej 119/121
    Postal code/city: 81-824 Sopot
    NIP (tax identification number): 584-020-32-39

  3. The purchase in bookstore means that you accept these regulations.


Making and realization of an order

  1. Orders can be made by adding products to the cart and their realization starts with clicking “Checkout” button.
  2. To successfully finalize ordering procedure actual address data, including existing and correct e-mail address and phone number (for the purpose of order confirmation), are required.
  3. Creating an account, though not obligatory, enables to observe order status.
  4. Orders can be placed 24 hours a day throughout the whole year. Orders placed after 3.00 p.m. on a weekday, during the weekends or holidays are handled on the next working day.
  5. In case of circumstances preventing the order from being realized or postponing its realization, the Publishing House may suspend the order. In such situation the appropriate information is sent to the customer immediately.
  6. Orders with inappropriate data (inexistent e-mail or no phone number) are not considered.
  7. Articles are priced in PLN with 5% VAT included (gross price). Shipment costs are quoted in PLN with 23% included (gross price).
  8. The University of Gdansk Publishing House issues an invoice for each bought article. In order to receive an invoice personal data should be properly filled or – in case of business entity/institution – company’s data and tax identification number (NIP).